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Гость Adminis

Устранение неисправностей бензореза

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Гость Adminis

Опубликовано: · Жалоба

Troubleshooting saw gasoline




General Inspections :

Check the general condition of the product. Has it been abused, broken pieces, external damage, missing pieces, are all covers in place?
• Lose parts
• Missing screw or parts
• Deformed grip
• Broken plastik-items
Recommended Tools:
1. Pressure gauge
2. T-wrench
3. Screwdriver
• Pull starter rope over slowly. Does the engine turn over or is it locked up? Push decompression valve, if equipped.
• Check throttle, choke and brake. Do they move easily? Are they broken or sticking?
• Take off air filter cover, check filter, check for overall cleanliness and condition of cylinder. You can clean the main filter by carefully knocking. ( Don't use air pressure ) control if the Prefilter is cover with dirt and exchange if nessesary. 
Prefilter always must be pre oiled. ( See pageVI-2 )
Are the cooling fins of the cylinder packed with dust or other debris not allowing the engine to cool property?
1. Remove spark plug. The spark plug should be a light tan. The spark plug may have soft black sooty deposits indication an improperly tune engine or dirty air filter.
White. The spark plug may have white deposits, a sign of the engine over-heating. Could be an air leak, poor or stale fuel, cooling fins plugged, or carb air/fuel mixture set too lean.
2. Look for signs of scuffing or mechanical damage to the piston by looking into the cylinder through the spark pluck hole. Is there any sign of heat damage?
Where is the damage – All the way around the cylinder, only near the exhaust port? If cylinder/piston looks bad, do a compressions test.
3. Check for spark, Remove the spark plug wire and insert a shielded gap spark plug tester. Pull roper over. Is there good, strong spark present?
4. Check the quality of the fuel initially by smelling it. Check whether the fuel contains oil by placing a few drops on a sheet of white paper and then waiting until the gasoline has evaporated. Any oil will be left on the paper.
5. Check High “H” and Low “L” screws jet position. Have the cap locks been tampered with or damage? Have the black and/or white locks been damaged to the point the jets are bent or that you can get a screw driver on the jets and adjust them past the limiters? If yes, will have to replace carburetor due to EPA emissions.
This is not warranty failure. The customer will be responsible for the repair. “L” should be at 1-1/4 and “H” should be 2 turns out form the tight position. This is the start position from the factory.
6. Pull fuel filter with a hook. It is generally better to replace the fuel filter each time the product is in for maintenance. It is often hard to determine just how dirty the filter may be. Replace if dirt is obviously present of if it has hardened due to age, humidity bad fuel, or low octane.
7. Inspect the fuel line. Check pressure to about 10 psi. Maintain pressure for one minute.
If unit continues to exhibit symptoms:
1. Check condition of drive side. Pull clutch cover off inspect for damage, wear and packed with debris.
2. Check muffler screen, check for excessive carbon deposits.
Additional Information:
To do a crankcase pressure test (0.5 hour additional labor):
• air filter
• starter cover
• blade brake cover
• on/off switch wires.
• spark plug wire.
• remove the carburetor.
• muffler
• Block off muffler side.
• Block off carburetor side.
• Connect the hand pump with pressure gauge to the connector.
• Pressure test to 7 psi. The cylinder should hold pressure for one minute should not leak down faster than the second hand moves on a watch.


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